Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Friday July 24 - Albert Head Lagoon

Moghrey mie Alfrescoes. This Friday, July 24 2020, we will be painting at Albert Head Lagoon Regional Park. Directions to this location can be found by clicking  here . Parking is at the end of Delgada Road.

Everyone should continue observing social distancing rules, remaining at least 2m apart from others.

We will be having a "Social Distanced" Show'n'Tell at Noon, near the parking. If you choose to participate, please place your painting 2m from your closest neighbour. Someone will then take pictures of the work and pass those on to Ron.

Remember, we cannot control the public, who may wish to approach you without you noticing. Therefore, this is at your own risk, and you can choose not to attend. The COVID-19 virus remains a serious public heath issue. If you require further information on how to keep yourself and others safe, please visit the BC governments' website.