Friday, 26 April 2013

Friday May 3, Island View Beach

Hello Alfrescoes,
Next Friday's location will be at Island View Beach. Thanks to Diane Makin for these directions:

 Next week we would like to go to island view beach, The road mitchells farm market is on.all the way uphill down to beach.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Friday April 26th Ogden Point

Hello Alfrescoes, Our next paint out location will be at Ogden Point. There's facilities, parking, and a place to buy coffee. They've installed a fence on the break wall.  Lots of great things to paint in the area.

Ogden Point

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Friday, 5 April 2013

Friday April 12 Beacon Hill Park

Hello Alfrescoes, the next paint out location will be Beacon Hill Park. It should inspire everyone. I hear there's pink blossoms abound.
Gather at noon near the washrooms (the one inside the park not the one on Dallas Road) to show what you painted.

Cheers for now.

Monday, 1 April 2013

April 5th Tower Point Again

Hello Alfrescoes,
It was such an amazing spot we decided to return this Friday April 5th to Tower Point Metchosin. Here's the same direction as last week.

Tower Point is part of the Witty's Lagoon Park.  Tower Point is immediately east of Witty's beach.  To get to Tower Point travel out Metchosin Rd, at the Boys and Girls Farm were we have painted in the past turn left on to Duke Road.  From Duke road turn right on to Olympic View Drive.  You will come to the parking lot for Tower Point.   From the parking lot it is a short walk to the park, were there are a number of places that you can paint.

Meet in the parking lot at noon to show what you painted.